February 2024
Goodbye to February, in which my sleep suffered, but we did more at the weekends.
Having Jack meant our life patterns changed. Although Hazza and I have made efforts to still face out to the world (which includes our 2 month jaunt to New Zealand & Australia), we have spent a lot more time at home than we previously this. It’s very easy to skip making plans in favour of resting, but this year we are making a conciouss effort to develop the habit of going out into the world with Jack. We’ve had some good weekends in February with Jack: we visited the National Museum of Scotland, the National Portrait Gallery, a day trip to Ikea (does this count? Jack loved it, and we had lunch!), a walk down the Hermitage of Braid, a trip to South Queensferry to look at trains on the bridge, and an afternoon at Edinburgh Zoo. Now that the weather is picking up, I’m hoping to start getting out for longer walks with Jack in the backpack.

The JavaScript meetups have been going from strength-to-strength. I’m feeling the pressure of organising now - we keep on raising the bar! I posted about GlasgowJS Accessibility and Calendars and Astro Islands and Robust Rendering on the new dev section of my site.

I read:
- An Everlasting Meal, Tamar Adler. Great food writing.
- How to keep house while drowning. Not for me. I think I want more of a practical guide than self-care manual.
- The Year of Magical Thinking, Joan Didion. Life can be sudden. Love and loss are intertwined.
- So late in the day, Claire Keegan. Be generous, in short story form.
More meetups, sunshine and daffodils, walks in the Meadows, new work projects. See you at the end of the month!