June 2022

A very short update for this month. I spent the first part of the month on holiday in Blauzac/Uzes in the south of France. It was a lovely trip, both Hazza and I managed to relax and forget about work.
- Dominion by Tom Holland. The central idea is that we (the west) owe a lot of what we consider our rights to Christian thinking. The book was a fun read, and I recommend it. It was interesting to think of how the properties of Christianity (the weak become strong and the sacrifice of Christ) sowed the seeds for a personal relationship with God, and the challenge to authority that allows the evolution of a secular legal space.
- Two Hundred Years of Muddling Through by Duncan Weldon. A tour of UK economic history. “Readable” seems to be a common description on Goodreads Reviews and I agree.
- How to be a Dad by Oscar Duke. A short guide to getting started.

I gave a talk at EdinburghJS on Mise-en-Place for Software developers. Thanks to Elisol and Pete for their talks too! The meetup was fun. We’re now getting enough regular attendees to make it feel like a community of people. We’re pausing the talks for this month, but will be running a summer social in early August. Regular service will resume in September.
Next Month
It’s a busy time - I am fully booked with work for the next couple of months, so will be focussing on that. I hope to start attending running groups again, as I’ve let the running go post-marathon. Harriet and I will be taking another holiday at the end of the month: a trip to Newcastle followed by a hop over to the Netherlands for a few days.
See you at the end of July!