March 2021

I’m a little late with this month note for March. I want to do a video monthvlog for each month this year and the size of the writing and recording task tipped over a threshold into the procrastination zone. But, a week late and here it is.
March went quickly and quietly. Spring has sprung and brighter days are here. I’ve had my first jab, so looking forward to being able to visit my parents soon. Despite some wobbles it looks like the UK is still on track to do a good job of getting everyone their first dose in the next few months.
I started March by attending the Interintellect “Reading the Greats” salon on Plato’s Last Days of Socrates. It was great to discuss the dialogues with a group. I’m really starting to appreciate how remote ad-hoc self-directed life-long learning is going to blossom in the digital age. I added a reading page to this site to track some progress on the “great books” list. I’ll hopefully add some notes and resources for each book as I read them.
I’m also starting to wrap up studying on the Open University “Arts and Humanities” module that I’ve been studying for a few months. I haven’t decided what to progress to next, but it’s likely I’ll continue to work my way towards a degree in history and politics.
It looks like I’ve managed to sell my flat, just over seven years after I moved to Edinburgh and bought it. We’re hopefully concluding in the next few weeks. I’ll be glad not to have the worry of the sale hanging over me, and look forward to whatever comes next with living arrangements.

I managed a big ride through the Pentlands to South Queensferry, which was the first time I’d been out on the slightly rougher terrain on my new bike. It all went well, and I’m looking forward to a summer with more cycling.
Running was a bit hit and miss in March. I was a tired in the last couple of weeks, and I need to do at least three runs a week to maintain the habit. I fell off the wagon, but got back on at the start of April.
I managed to keep up my 52 Frames weekly photography challenges, posting on Color Relationships, Window Light, and Slow Shutter speeds. I also recorded some videos for the challenge.