▨ Jamie McHale

Liff top

One for the liff top that lives down the lane.

Jack is starting to speak now. He can ask questions, respond with short sentences that make sense, at least to us, and communicate what he is excited about.

It’s been fun to watch the progression of communication from baby babbling, through events like “shriek week”, repeating small sounds over and over, starting to use basic noises, then words, and then sentences.

We started with “Bup”. Bup to be picked up. Bup to go upstairs. Bup to be put in the chair, bup to be taken from the chair. It was great to hear him communicate what he wanted. He added more words, sometimes shortened, sometimes with additional sounds. Each slight mispronunciation brought a little cuteness and joy. H and I would potter around the flat repeating the words to each other.

In the last few months he’s been singing songs, every few days with more words and with clearer pronunciation. These phases go by in the blink of an eye. I noticed a week or two ago that the Ba Ba Black Sheep “liff top” was now the “little boy”. These improvements mark off a steady progression. H and I fondly look back at each phase as soon as it passes. I’m sure we will be repeating our favourite mispronunciations and phrases to each other in decades to come.